Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Word for the body given through me at church

This word was given to me for the church body that I serve in worship.  It talks to all saints and those who are lost.

"Children, listen to me!  I am a holy God.  I am a jealous God!  I want all of you.  I want your mind to meditate on me, your hands to serve me, your heart to worship me, your feet to walk in my sandals, your eyes to see my visions.  Obey my word.  Be ME to the world in all that you do!"

Friday, August 24, 2012

You choose! Life as we know it or God's life of adventure on the edge!

What is your daily life like?  You wake the children, love on them, send them to school, pay some bills, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, clean laundry, the occassional lunch with friends on the weekends, an odd break away from the regular weekend and off to the mountains or beach.

This all sounds just fine to many!  A blessed life seems like the normal one where bills are paid and friends are welcome. Have you ever asked what God intended for His children?  Is what I am living what He wants?  What do the scriptures say on this account?  Do we who live in the western world have it right?  Have we discovered God's best for us......or are we playing it safe because we can afford to?

What would motivate you to live a life in the deep end with God...completely surrendered to His adventurous life? Maybe its a different motivation for different people or for men and women.  I know that I didn't even ask myself the question of how I should live my life until the life-changing love of the Father crowded into my heart and inspired me to shift my thinking.  That "life as normal" was man's invention, and not God's.

The Father never intended us to live in the "status quo" of daily life.  He is not a safe or tame God.  He is dangerous and wants us to live life on the edge; far from normal and traditional.  Life should be an adventure, and we should fight the daily grind in order to keep the door open to the adventure of God's life!

Living inside the boundaries of someone else's ideals of normal life is bondage that keeps us from what God wants to bless us with and use us for.  He has outrageous plans for us and we should rail against the average life in order to live abundantly.

God And Man's Pursuit Of A Woman's Heart

If I hear the whisper of God and His sweet words of love calling me, I want more.  I naturally respond with a heartfelt thank you Father.  A grateful heart turned to Him.  He pursues me so faithfully.  Even when I am too busy to slow down and listen, He keeps calling me with His loving words, so true.  This beautiful picture of wooing is the example He has given us for Man’s godly pursuit of Woman.
When a woman hears the sweet whisper of a godly man who shows signs of pursuit, she turns to take in all that he has to offer her.  She wants to discern if she is hearing truth from him.  If this is so, then she waits to hear more.                        
From the right man, she will respond back with a grateful heart and desire more of him.  That is how our Heavenly Father has made woman; to wait expectantly for more.  To turn her heart to him as she would the Father, to hear more truth from him.  That is her natural inclination.  She will desire more from this godly man, so that she will trust that she can cling to him.

Vision of Marriage

Psalm 37:4
yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Genesis 2:18
18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.

Genesis 2:21
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,'for she was taken out of man."

Joel 2:28
God’s Spirit Poured Out ] “ And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.

God loves us beyond all that we can imagine or contain. He wants to complete His will for our lives. If we want to live a fulfilled life in His will, we should be asking what that will is daily. That is the crux of the matter concerning marriage. Is it God’s desire and plan for us? God always puts a desire in our hearts where His plan is concerned. If the desire is present and true, then pray and expect. Check your heart motive and pray that he reveals His will in your life.

God gives visions to us all, in order to complete His will for our lives. When He gives us a vision, he also plants in our hearts seed (or desire) to complete the work, otherwise we would not buy into the vision and we would tarry instead of being compelled to pray and obey. God woos us by placing desire in our hearts along with the vision. This being the nature of God, why would we doubt that when we have the desire of marriage in our lives, He has placed it there?

If it is a Godly desire that He has planted it in our hearts, then He expects us to pray and obey and look for Him to move in our lives concerning this vision and dream. I believe that we should not ignore this Godly desire, thinking that we don’t deserve nor should expect this blessing in our lives. We should pray it to fruition faithfully, as we would any vision from God. God will not force His good will on us. He will give us vision and desire and faith, and then we must do our part by praying, obeying and waiting.

What we need to check our hearts for is “Is this God’s desire for my life”? Has he placed the desire in my heart to be married, or have I substituted my need for an intimate relationship with God with that of man, or woman as it were?

If you let God search out the corners of your heart for woundedness and lack, and come up clean in this area of intimate healthy relationship with your Father in heaven, then you should trust the vision. If you have woundedness in this area, then you should be on your knees, submitting your heart to God, and letting Him heal and redeem your past. Otherwise you are wasting time that God can use to further His loving will in your life.

If He does not put the desire in our hearts; if we do not know that desire, then either it is not the right time to devote to prayer regarding marriage, or it is not His will altogether. If it is not His will and we are healthy functioning Christians, then we will not be bothered or worried about the subject.

Now, lets consider the character of God concerning putting two people together. Does God work in specific ways? If he designed marriage as a testament of Jesus' love of the church, then yes He does work specifically in our lives concerning delivering a mate. Jesus woos the lost to salvation, just as the groom woos the bride to marriage. In both equations, God is sovereign in the plan. God will orchestrate his will when we let him.

Look at Adam before the blessing (gift) of Eve. God said aloud to Adam that it was not good for him to be alone. God created many creatures to show Adam what didn't fit, then He caused Adam to sleep and removed a rib from him. I find myself asking if Adam felt the loss when he awoke. I think he did. Then God created Eve from Adam's flesh and returned his flesh to him in the form of woman. Returned her to him! God presented Eve to Adam, and Adam recognized her as flesh of his flesh. I believe that the man with a vision of marriage will recognize the flesh of his flesh when God presents her to him.

This is freedom for all who are anxious about what they should be doing concerning a mate. God will present man with his mate and man will recognize the blessing. This spiritual principal should put women at ease and give freedom that they don't have to compel man in any way. Just receive the freedom that God wants you to live in. He will do the work, and we should obey His loving command to seek first the kingdom, and all things will be added. His children don't need to make anything happen by their own plan. God is very capable of working out His will, and ours is only to obey. Do we trust Him? We must if we want His best for our lives.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do you have an opinion to dispense?

Opinions are a dime a dozen. Be careful with dispensing them as though they are truth, because they are usually made up of preconception as well as conception; and experience, both good and bad. 
If they don't line up with the word of God, then wait on the holy spirit before speaking. If we did this more often, then there would be a whole lot less wasted words.
Proverbs 17:28
Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

You didn't come to Jesus because you believed. You believed because you came to Jesus. Jesus calls the lost, and because of who He is, they come and then they believe.
I will love Him, because He first loved me. What a relief! Single ladies, consider the truth in this. Take a breath. Exhale. Be still and know. No more striving. Live well. Seek your heavenly groom. He loved you first.
These seem to be all random thoughts today, but that's ok too.  I have had to stay super close to Jesus in my thoughts this week, or I would have crashed and burned.  Jesus has drawn close to me as a result.  It has been sweet, and my heart is light because of it.  I want to stay here always.  

If you don't already stay in intercession daily, please try it and see what Jesus does in you.  If this seems crazy, just consider talking to Jesus more than you do anyone else.  It will become second nature soon enough.  This is where we need to stay if we want more of Him and less of us.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How often do we act like petulant children when God patiently waits for us to spend time with Him? There He is on His heavenly throne calling to us, and we are independently busy with other things. He is the best Father possible, and we are childishly ignoring Him. When will we realize just how much He truly loves us?
Oh, I know, you're thinking that you are faithful to pray for everyone on your list from Wednesday prayer meeting.  I get that.  Me too.  But what about just being in His presence more and more daily?  Just waiting on Him.   To stop the busy work and entertainment to be still and know.  Spending time at His feet just soaking up who He is.  Quiet reverence.  Awesome wonder.  
We should be childlike, yet not childish.  Tough one for me.  Consider His glorious nature; His mighty works!  We have never known another worthy of our praise and adoration.  Like children looking for Santa at Christmas.  I remember being more enamored by Santa who gave the gifts, than the gifts themselves.  
Let's search for Him more and more because of who He is and not what He gives.  When we find Him, let's spend time at His feet.  Just adoring Him.