Monday, September 12, 2011

Trinity Images and the Wounded Soul of Woman

We know from the word of God that He calls Himself our Father through the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, i.e. “Our Father, who art in heaven”. That in itself was revolutionary to Jews at the time. They had never heard that correlation of “Father”. In the same vein, Jesus described himself as the son of God. Surely Jesus wanted us to understand His and God’s role in this family unit for good reasons.

We know that the Trinity contains the person of God, the person of Jesus, and the person of the Holy Spirit. So, if God is the Father and Jesus is the son; could it be possible that the unidentified “Mother” is the Holy Spirit? It stands to reason that the Holy Spirit would be our image of mother in the spiritual; the comforter, the nurturer, the mystery. The Holy Spirit embodies wisdom, compassion, the quiet teacher, tenderness, ever-present helper, the path to deep knowledge, the breath of creativity, truth in action, and deliverer of God’s power.

Using this interpretation of the Trinity, how might we relate our brokenness and needed healing of self-image to God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son? If we know that God embodies all aspects of who we are, might we consider those aspects of God that relate directly to us as women for healing of self-image? By no means do I support the ideals of self-help and the constant introspection in Christians today that have led to the rampant neglect of actual service to the lost. What I do support is the renewal of your mind by the word of God for the direct service of the Kingdom of God.

Maybe we should look to God the Father for our worth as a woman to be corrected and our mind to be renewed. There is no woman born that is fully intact in self-image at the point of womanhood. That being the case, I believe all women have reason to call on the Father to tear down lies and replace them with the truth from Holy Scriptures.

We would do well as women to climb up into our Father’s lap and listen to what He has to say about how special we are as women. What we have to offer those we nurture and influence each day. The power of truth and wisdom that He bestows on those who have need and request these freely-given gifts. Look how the Holy Spirit (spirit of woman) operates. Women should be vessels of this aspect of God. We should embody wisdom, compassion, a teachable spirit, tenderness, helpfulness, deep knowledge, creative life, truth, and holy power.

If we as women would understand our worth, we would have no need of schemes and devices to get our way. We would know that our Father in heaven sees our heart’s desire; that He would not give a stone when we asked for a fish. We would know that we must pray and obey in order for God to produce fruit in our lives. We would know that we serve “The Almighty” who moves mountains; not a tiny, illegitimate god who spews “Hollywood” plots that wreak self-destruction and ultimately destruction of the image of the Trinity. God is waiting for you to say yes to His renewal and the beginning of freedom and power in your role as a Godly woman, to do His will.

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