Friday, August 24, 2012

God And Man's Pursuit Of A Woman's Heart

If I hear the whisper of God and His sweet words of love calling me, I want more.  I naturally respond with a heartfelt thank you Father.  A grateful heart turned to Him.  He pursues me so faithfully.  Even when I am too busy to slow down and listen, He keeps calling me with His loving words, so true.  This beautiful picture of wooing is the example He has given us for Man’s godly pursuit of Woman.
When a woman hears the sweet whisper of a godly man who shows signs of pursuit, she turns to take in all that he has to offer her.  She wants to discern if she is hearing truth from him.  If this is so, then she waits to hear more.                        
From the right man, she will respond back with a grateful heart and desire more of him.  That is how our Heavenly Father has made woman; to wait expectantly for more.  To turn her heart to him as she would the Father, to hear more truth from him.  That is her natural inclination.  She will desire more from this godly man, so that she will trust that she can cling to him.

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